Civic Education Promotion and Strengthening Sustainability of CELA

The project is implemented by "Civic Education Lecturers Association" (CELA) . The project is aimed at “Civic Education Lecturers Sssociation" to promote organizational development and also to take a number of steps to strengthen the civic education course.

The project will be implemented: training/regular meetings for CELA-'s members, civic education conference, thematic public discussion series, sign a memorandum with partner institutions/organizations, civil society round table meeting, a photo-contest, create scientific journal on Civic Education, publish periodical magazine about Civic Education, reveal the best student projects/Presentations prepared within the framework of Civic Education course, Video conferences with participants from Tbilisi and regional universities, update  Civic Education textbooks and course syllabus, summer school of democracy and citizenship, , trainings for new members of the association, update association's website.

The project is founded by the USAID and within the framework of the I”ncreased Trust in the Electoral Process” (ITEP)which is implemented by “The International Foundation for Electoral System” (IFES).

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